Sports Medicine

Foot & Ankle Center of Illinois

Podiatrists located in Springfield, Decatur, Carlinville and Shelbyville, Illinois.

Sporting activities put an extreme demand on your feet and athletes are at a higher risk for injury. An advanced 3D CT scanner and Extremity MRI is available within 24 hours of scheduling an appointment. We specialize in returning weekend warriors back into activities fast. Pain laser therapy is also available to all sports injuries. Board certified foot and ankle surgeons have years of experience in sports medicine. 

Sports Medicine Q & A

What is sports medicine for the feet and ankles?

Sports medicine for your feet and ankles is like sports medicine for any other part of your body. The team at the Foot & Ankle Center of Illinois strives to treat any existing injuries while helping you prevent future ones and improving your overall athletic performance.

They’re seasoned in treating athletes and understand the toll specific sports can take on your feet. They know tennis players often have to contend with ankle stress due to the lateral movement their sport requires, for example.

Can sports medicine be used to treat my injury?

If your foot or ankle was injured while playing your sport, don’t hesitate to visit any of the Foot & Ankle Center of Illinois offices. Their team works with you to diagnose the root cause of your injury so they can apply the right treatment, helping you heal as quickly as possible.

Some of the injuries they treat include:

  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Ankle fractures
  • Arch pain
  • Metatarsal fractures
  • Lisfranc joint injuries
  • Tendon injuries
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Sesamoid injuries (turf toe)
  • Shin splints
  • Toe fractures

The Foot & Ankle Center of Illinois is experienced in treating both acute and chronic foot and ankle injuries. Whether your foot or ankle pain came on suddenly after an injury or you have a nagging discomfort that won’t go away, they offer the treatment you need to get back to feeling — and performing — your best.

What does sports medicine include?

It depends on the reason you’re seeking treatment. If you have a specific injury, your Foot & Ankle Center of Illinois provider tailors a treatment plan to you. Your treatment could include anything from directed home care to a surgical procedure, depending on the severity of your injury and the best way to heal your foot or ankle.

You don’t have to wait until you have a glaring issue to seek care at Foot & Ankle Center of Illinois, though. They can help you avoid injury in the first place, offering specific strengthening exercises, advice on the best shoes to wear, and orthotics for your shoes to keep your feet and ankles healthy, helping you optimize your athletic performance.

If you're interested in receiving treatment for sports medicine care,
Call Foot and Ankle Center of Illinois at (217) 787-2700 today!
We serve the following locations: Springfield, Decatur, Carlinville and Shelbyville, IL

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